Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
Did you know that as of 2022, the Cleveland Clinic stated that over 95% of men and 50% of women struggle with hair loss? Hair loss can have devastating effects on a person’s self-image and confidence. Luckily, advancements in medical technology provide restorative options for those struggling with hair loss. At KA Hair Aesthetics, we understand that having a full head of hair can leave you feeling confident, attractive, and youthful, which is why we offer the most advanced option in hair restoration – Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). But before we explain how FUE works, it is important to understand why hair loss occurs.
Causes of Hair Loss
Most hair loss is due to a condition medically known as Androgenetic Alopecia, though commonly referred to as male or female pattern baldness. Barring any underlying diseases or stressful events, most hair loss can be blamed on one’s sensitivity to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). So, what is DHT, and how does it affect both men and women?
Dihydrotestosterone is actually a derivative of testosterone. Testosterone is converted to DHT with the assistance of an enzyme known as Type II 5-alpha-reductase, which is held in the hair follicle’s oil glands. Sensitive hair follicles will shrink when exposed to DHT, reducing the lifespan of the hair follicle. After a while, the follicle will no longer produce hair.
Both men and women produce testosterone, but males have more. As DHT levels rise in men, hairlines can begin receding as early as one’s late teens. Eventually, the loss of the hair follicle will result in partial to complete baldness. On the other hand, women can experience a thinning of their hair after menopause due to a drop in female hormones, which balance the presence of testosterone and DHT. Luckily, medical technology has made great strides in hair restoration treatments, and many options are now available to replace lost hair.
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a minimally invasive and sutureless surgical technique that involves extracting hair follicles from one part of the scalp that is not prone to hair loss and implanting them in thinning or balding areas. We perform our follicular unit extraction with NeoGraft technology. NeoGraft differs from other transplant techniques in that it does not require the surgical removal of a strip of the patient’s scalp, thus leaving no linear scarring. Instead, follicles are individually harvested and transplanted to the areas of the scalp experiencing hair thinning or loss.
FUE is an outpatient procedure conducted under local anesthesia, which simply involves numbing the surgical area. Once the grafts have been removed, they will be transplanted into the recipient area, which has been prepared to receive the donor hair. The entire procedure can take anywhere between 4 to 8 hours to complete depending on the amount of follicles being transferred.
You can expect some swelling, tenderness, and itching around the transplanted area as it heals, but this should only last for a few days. One-week post-op, the redness and swelling should subside, and your scalp should be healed. At the two-week mark, you may notice the transplanted hair begin to fall out. This does not happen in every case, but if it does happen, don’t panic. This is normal, as the hair is experiencing the regular hair growth cycle, and you will begin to see new hairs grow in the transplanted area with time. At the one-month mark, the difference between natural and transplanted hair will have almost vanished, leaving you with a more natural-looking hairline. The final results will be visible 12-18 months post-op as the new hair follicle reaches maturity, resulting in longer and thicker hair.
For more information about our hair loss treatments for men and women, please fill out our contact form.
Frequently Asked Questions about Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
A good candidate for FUE is an individual in good health. It is also important to confirm that your hair loss is androgenetic or traction alopecia and not another type so that you are not at risk of also losing follicles from your donor area. Having a large amount of donor hair to yield the best possible results in the transplanted area is also important.