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Men’s Hair Loss

Men’s Hair Loss

Experts estimate that as many as 85% of men will experience some degree of hair loss in their lifetime. For some men, this can just mean some minor thinning. For others, it can mean total hair loss from their head. As with any other issue, the more that men know about hair loss, the better equipped they will be to address this concern if they so choose to.

Hair loss in men can take different forms, but these are the most common:

  • Androgenic Alopecia – Known commonly as male-pattern baldness, this genetic condition is the cause of roughly 95% hair loss in men. Men with androgenic alopecia experience shrinking hair follicles that lead to a receding hairline and gradual loss of hair from the crown and frontal scalp.
  • Anagen Effluvium – A form of hair loss that occurs as a result of certain medications or medical treatments including chemotherapy or radiation. In these cases, hair follicles become damaged and the hair falls out. However, this type of hair loss is often temporary and hair will regrow in most cases.

Some of the most common things that cause hair loss in men include:

  • High stress levels over time
  • Certain disease including anemia and thyroid issues
  • Cancer treatments including radiation and chemotherapy
  • Medications and use of controlled substances including anabolic steroids
  • Nutrient deficiencies including a lack of iron
  • Wearing certain tight hairstyles including dreadlocks, ponytails, cornrows, or braids over time

Our hair loss experts have many years of experience performing Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) procedures on men of all ages. This revolutionary type of hair transplant can provide a long-term solution for men concerned about hair loss. The procedure works by extracting hair follicles from one part of the scalp and implanting them into areas in need of new hair growth. For most people, the follicles extracted from the donor site are typically not predisposed to the same loss as the rest of the scalp. The procedure can work wonders for men with varying degrees of hair loss, from patchiness to more advanced hair loss.

For more information on men’s hair loss and how we can help, contact KA Hair Aesthetics to schedule a consultation appointment today!